The Barkus Cares Fund
We created the Barkus Care Fund (BCF) to help with veterinarian costs for companion animals. Our funds are limited, so we have set forth parameters and guidelines for the kind of care we will cover. We will focus on pet care that cannot wait until we get beyond our current stay-at-home order, but are not emergencies. Every effort will be made to process applications quickly, but we cannot possibly review applications for an animal needing urgent emergency care. While we cannot celebrate together right now as we want, we want you to take care of yourselves and your pets so we can see you again soon.
If you know someone who might need our help, let them know we are here. We hope others will consider donating to the Barkus Care Fund so we might reach as many pets as possible. Help us share the love for the amazing creatures who make our lives and Krewe so special.
(donations are tax deductible)
The BCF will consider funding application for serious veterinary care needed beyond routine procedures, including treatment, surgery, and medications. We will also review most requests for pets with serious chronic health problems. Depending on the level of funding available and the urgency of the needed treatment, the BCF will determine the amount of funding awarded for the needed veterinarian care.
The application is on-line only and communication will be by email at If approved, this funding will paid directly to the treating veterinarian, not to the individual. The amount funded will be determined on case-by-case basis.
The BCF will use the following criteria to determine whether funding an animal’s care based on:
The opinion of the treating veterinarian as to the medical necessity, urgency, and prognosis for the treatment needed.The demonstrated capability of the animal owner to take responsibility for his/her animal. Your treating veterinarian will be asked about your level of responsibility in caring for your companion animals. You must be able to provide basic care for your animals. This includes not only food and permanent shelter, but also basic vet care when needed.
The BCF will not consider funding for:
IF YOU ARE HAVING AN EMERGENCY, STOP HERE and seek care for your pet immediately through your veterinarian or an emergency care hospital.
Newly acquired pets, which were purchased or adopted with a known pre-existing condition.
Any animals owned by breeders.
Large animal medical care. We are focused on dogs and cats with exceptions to this being made on an individual basis.
The cost of vet visits for animals who have not yet been seen by a veterinarian. Applicants must already have taken their animals to a veterinarian for diagnosis and must have a written estimate for the needed procedures.
Prior to starting your application, please collect the following:
Copy of a written cost estimate for the needed procedures, Laboratory testing or diagnostics, and/or treatment from your veterinarian along with a copy of the medical records from your veterinarian specifically pertaining to this case or procedure recommended.To bring the application process, applicants are REQUIRED to first email the BCF at and put BCF Application A in the subject line. In the body of the email, please include a description of your situation and your animal’s medical needs. Include your email, including a phone number where you can be reached, as well as contact information for your veterinarian so that we can determine your eligibility.
If eligible, the second step is to complete the full application, which will be sent back to via email with BCF Application B in the subject line. A decision on the application will be given as promptly as possible.
Important Details for Applicants:
Prognosis- If treatment is likely to cause an animal suffering with little hope of a good long-term prognosis, we will not cover the procedure. The animal's prognosis must include a survival rate of 50% or better for survival beyond 6 months (as determined by the treating veterinarian) for the applicant to be eligible to apply. We are not able to cover euthanasia costs in any circumstance. Please note that the staff of Barkus Cares Fund will not be able to advise you EVER in any way regarding the medical treatment, diagnosis, or prognosis of your animal(s). If you have medical questions about your animal's condition, you will need to consult with your treating veterinarian.Relief Grants- For ongoing companion animal health issues, such as diabetes or thyroid disease, where lifetime treatment is necessary to keep the animal alive and healthy, applicants must be able to provide the care on an ongoing basis to qualify for the grant. For example, if an applicant cannot afford to maintain the needed prescribed treatment, the BCF will not be able to consider the application. Applicants are eligible to apply for a relief grant (one time only grant) for ongoing medical needs, but the treating veterinarian will have to verify that the applicant will be able to take responsibility for funding the lifetime care needed.
Results- While the application process is in part based on the subjective judgment of veterinarians and our staff, we feel these basic guidelines are clear, unbiased and necessary, and we will make the most ethical decisions possible with the information we have in each circumstance.
Expectations- The BCF is staffed by medical and non-medical volunteers who generously give their time. We know that these are stressful and scary times, but we ask applicants to treat volunteer staff in a professional manner. Abusive, rude, or disrespectful applicants will become ineligible for funding now and in the future.
Information for Treating Veterinarians:
Veterinarian Phone Consult- The participating veterinarian will be required to consult with the BCF staff regarding the subject animal’s diagnosis, prognosis, and recommended treatment.
Part 2 of the Application Process:
If you have been determined eligible based on your first email to the BCF, now complete the online portion of the application.
1. Email the completed application forms to
2. Sign the agreement and waiver.
The person seeking funds in order to receive funds from the BCF must sign this agreement and waiver. All recipients of funding and all applicants to the BCF agree that the BCF is in no way responsible for the outcome of any medical procedure funded in whole or in part by the BCF, nor is the BCF responsible for the outcome of funding being denied in whole or in part to the applicant(s).
Applicants to the BCF agree that BCF will not be liable for any damages or losses because of being denied funding or because of the outcome of any diagnosis or treatment funded in whole or in part by the BCF.
The BCF Board of Directors and its employees do not make any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, regarding applications for funding or awarding of funding, and are released and not liable for any costs, damages, and expenses, including attorney fees arising from any claims, damages, or liabilities asserted by third parties arising from application for or receipt of funds from the BCF.
Funding resources are limited, and the BCF will make every effort to use available funds in the most responsible way. The BCF does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion or race. The BCF reserves the right to deny funding to anyone for any reason.
This is the entire contract, and no applicant for funding can modify it. This contract is not assignable. Applicants for funding to the BCF waive all laws in conflict with the above agreement.
To proceed with your online application, please click HERE.
I have read and understand the information posted above.*